Manifestations Of The Miraculous
If you’ve never started a business, the first time can be a little scary. Especially because it takes a lot of hard work and planning. Only about half of all businesses survive five years or longer. If you are never owned a company, you should start with OmniAdvantage Business Solutions, Inc; the basics of ownership at
If you have been running a small business and can't quite get past the "Ceiling" of growing further and faster, you may be ready to evolve from Ownership to Enterprise. It is a transformation from "Skillset" to "Mindset", and a shift from "Mine" to "God's".
A Kingdom Enterprise revolves around Visionary Leadership.
1. Visionaries SEE IT; it is not working harder, it's State of Being!!
Visionary leaders guide and inspire their companies toward a future that includes:
2. Traits of An Kingdom Enterprising Company;
Concise Clarity: There is always a clear and exciting new innovation that motivates the whole organization achieve it.
Innovation: Understands the problem, evaluates risk, and "goes for it". This is contagious, increasing your organization’s culture of innovation and evolution.
Better employees: Visionary leaders with inspiring visions for their organization helps attract and retain the best and the brightest talent
Speeds up decision-making: Having their eye on solid goals speeds up "decision making" as everything, and everyone is committed to seeing that vision through
Builds resilience: A clear vision means a clear path for the organization to follow, enabling it to jump over unexpected obstacles
3. Enterprising Companies are always working towards the future;
Visionary leaders keep their focus on the future and make continuous improvements to get there. The vision you select for the organization occurs in an undefined place in the future. It might mean creating the top-selling product in a certain industry, or reaching a certain number of customers. But there is no time frame, they are always looking for it.
4. Create a Business Plan Based on Kingdom Principles orecast Financials
There is another very important difference in between an owner and a Enterprising Visionary; they use other people's money for growth prudently. Debt without a plan is a losing proposition. To grow, enterprising owners have a business/marketing plan with a reputation of accuracy. Visionaries learn to forecast the company's future needs. Banks give loans to companies that show how the funds will produce growth. Consistent accurate forecasting of financials create relationships of confidence with lenders.
5. Surround Yourself With People of Character and Creativity
I know I keep POUNDING a consultant, but I learned everything I needed to know from my consultant; after a few customers, and steady employees; he guided me through all the rest. I truly believe if The Lord had not put Tom in my life, I would have failed.
6. Have A Website and stay Humble on Social Business Platforms (LinkedIn)
In today’s digital era, it’s important to set up an online presence and possibly an e-commerce platform. BUT, you only do that if you sell online. Otherwise you simply use your website as a place for information and advertising.
7. Stand out from competition and seek God and relationships with other CEOs
If there was ONE ting I focused on more than anything else it was Creating Customer Relationships, especially Upper Management and CEOs. How?? CEOs tend to be outgoing but feel alone because they can see things others can't. I was friends with many CEOs and executives because I could SEE and speak their language, we solved problems together.
8. You Are Not Your Creator nor the Master of Your Destiny
Startups change drastically within their first few years, mainly in operations. The key to becoming an Enterprise is BEGIN the change, don't wait for it. When you look to God, your maker, creator, and MASTER of the universe; He will become the CEO of your business; the market and industry will follow. You will begin to anticipate, adapt, innovate, create, and implement new ideas and technology into your business constantly.
I have started everything from Concrete Floor Resurfacing, Branded Custom Resins, and built a Concrete Restoration company. There was only one thing in common with all; I put them into God's hands and ultimately they grew to multi-million dollar enterprises. Over time I understood success had nothing to do with WHAT I did, but listening to His Will in His Time.
If God wanted it....everything came easy and went right. If NOT, I strived for nothing. If God put it on my heart; It was easy to put the time and research into it.
There are many reasons why I have been successful ranging from Experience, Consultants, Experts, and Mentors. Each guided me through sound business practices. But without God, I would have failed in both business and life.
My goal from DAY ONE was to work myself out of a job, I have been successful doing that every time. If it looked like I could not get there, I closed it down. I've done that a few times, knowing when to cut your losses is not the same as failing.
If you are ready to dive in, hire a consultant. Good consultants and experts teach you valuable lessons. The best consultants don't charge unless you start making money, experts like accountants stop you from losing money.
Don't be afraid of adding strategic partners; GREED has killed every business I know in the name of "Mine"!!
Gibb Enterprise Logistics goes beyond developing a Strategic Plan of starting and operating a business. We develop a "Tactical Strategy" of creating synergistic Kingdom partnerships. My first company was created from a "God-Given" Entrepreneurial Vision. Expanding market share was a function of Enterprising Logistics.
The Lord gave me a tactical strategy to expand service offerings within the primary business model. I created multiple income steams opportunities within parallel partnerships. This Kingdom concept resulted in monetizing more opportunities while increasing customer satisfaction through effective leadership. Tactical efficiency lowered gross revenue but increased profit.
Consider the world doesn’t want you to live with divine purpose. It doesn’t want you to have an abundant life filled with meaning and hope for a better future. The enemy wants you to feel discouraged, depressed, anxious and hopeless; settling for mediocrity. The world wants you to give up on your dreams and create distance between you and God's purpose for your destiny
You may not know this enemy exists, but it does. It comes in many forms; it could look like your competition, potential customers who like the "status quo", but mainly it comes as doubt, guilt, and unworthy shame!! You may discout the enemy's power, but evil is subtle, cunning, and wants you to believe you are a failure.
I’m talking about every evil thing that comes against you, and it's time to prepare for the battle. You need to use "Tactical Logistics" as a weapon; a series of moves that expose weakness so you can incorporate new technology that will accomplish your goals.
Gibb Enterprises will optimize your business by integrating "Kingdom Partnerships" into the structure of God's business strategy. We put companies in a place to succeed by playing only to their strengths and cover weaknesses with synergistic partnerships.
The companies I built utilized a "radical strategy" of creating partnerships within our industry, and partnering with companies outside of the industry to accomplish our goals. As founder and acting CEO, God limited my role to oversight; focusing on improving means, shoring up methods, and created synergistic opportunities with our partners to fiscally dominate our market.
Einstein; “Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds.”
A "Visionary" within The Lord's Purpose, has the ability to SEE beyond what is known. Having "Purpose" pursues the unimaginable. I understood Einstein's view on academics; "Education can't solve problems with theory. The mind of HOLY curiosity forms the questions, and The Spirit answers with creativity and an imagination full of solutions." If you are able to SEE behind the numbers, you'll find VALUE beyond the numbers!
Accounting is a structure, Economics is a puzzle, but Finance is an Art. The 1st is Statistical, the 2nd is Hypothetical, but the 3rd is Analytical! Understand the terms or get lost in their meaning, Finance ALWAYS determines the success or failure of a business! I founded my 2nd company with the employees and assets I acquired from a company that went bankrupt in 18 months. They had plenty of sales no financial direction. My bank fully funded the purchase based on my new financial blueprint.
Romans 13: 1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
God makes it clear He appointed governing authorities over us and we are subject to them. Man's justice does not always follow what we believe is right. The soldiers who nailed "Jesus to the Cross" was meant for evil, but our redemption was a result of that injustice.
Part of my job was to prevent our company from contract disputes or litigation on the front end, to prevent losing everything on the back end. My contracts have never been breached in 35 years. I love the law and have re-written contracts drafted by attorneys; taking out language exposing us and adding language to our advantage.
I am well researched and prepared to challenge arguments the opposition presents. I recommend every entrepreneur research the law to find precedent and prepare for factual litigation. In fact, a consultant can prepare litigation for anyone who retains them as their consultant. They can't represent you in court but can advise your attorney. Trials are costly & too unpredictable to in court.
Einstein; “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”
I started gaining recognition among business leaders, and editorial commentators, after I wrote a lengthy article on LinkedIn in 2015 titled "Integrity, The World Is Watching". The article called into question the unethical practices pervasive in many Large Corporate Cultures. Bold statements tend to grab people's attention!
I was asked by the Business Department of the University of Wisconsin to address the student body regarding the article and other topics from entrepreneurship to finance. I have also also given presentations to Financial Institutions regarding economic forecasts. You must add VALUE by giving others counter measure logistics. The goal is to awaken the mind, foster ideas, and serve to remind; the "bottom-line" is the harshest judge of success.
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